Saturday, October 8, 2011

article 14; section 9 language; 1987 constitution

Section 9. The Congress shall establish a national language commission composed of representatives of various regions and disciplines which shall undertake, coordinate, and promote researches for the development, propagation, and preservation of Filipino and other languages.
Conclusion: The new office, the national language commission, contemplated to be established by law, will now supplant the existing institute of national languages, later renamed institute of national language under C.A.  No. 333. The institute of the national language was originally estanlished under C.A. No. 184. The new commission shall be composed of representatives of various regions and  disciplines  which shall a) undertake, coordinate, and promote researches or the development, propagation and b) preservation of flipino and other languages.

article 14; section 8 language; 1987 constitution

Section 8. This Constitution shall be promulgated in Filipino and English and shall be translated into major regional languages, Arabic, and Spanish.

Conclusion: English is the official language of the Philippines. This language was brought to Philippines by the British invaders in 1762.English became important under the U.S. rule between 1898 and 1946. Being the official language it is used predominantly in all government and educational institutions. All major media houses also use English for their publicationsThe 1987 Constitution declared Filipino as official language along with English. Filipino is used as the lingua franca in all parts of Philippines. The armed forces as well as the civil services prefer using Filipino over English. It also has the privilege of being the only national language that was to be "developed and enriched on the basis of existing Philippine and other languages" as per the 1987 Constitution. Pursuant to the constitutional deirective embodied in section 9, the constitution of the republic of the Philippines was  accordingly promulgated in filipino and english, arabic, and spanish. There is no better nationalistic way of preserving in written from the ideals and aspirations of the filipinos embodied in the preamble of the constitution than that it be promulgated in filipino, the national language, consistent with the people's ideal og nationalism.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

article 14; section 7 language; 1987 constitution

Section 7. For purposes of communication and instruction, the official languages of the Philippines are Filipino and, until otherwise provided by law, English.
The regional languages are the auxiliary official languages in the regions and shall serve as auxiliary media of instruction therein.
Spanish and Arabic shall be promoted on a voluntary and optional basis.
Conclusion: The regional languages, under paragraph 2, section 7, are the auxiliary official languages in the regtions and shall serve as auxiliary media of instruction therein. the reason for this is obvious. The people in a region may not at all understand or speak English. Consequently, the regional languages serve as auxiliary media of instruction. 

article 14; section 6 language; 1987 constitution

Section 6. The national language of the Philippines is Filipino. As it evolves, it shall be further developed and enriched on the basis of existing Philippine and other languages.
Subject to provisions of law and as the Congress may deem appropriate, the Government shall take steps to initiate and sustain the use of Filipino as a medium of official communication and as language of instruction in the educational system.
Conclusion: The national language in the Philippines is Filipino. The researches for the development of the national language cmmission shall be un dertaken by the language commission. As it evolves, it shall be frurthe developed and enriched on trhe basis of existing philippine and other language. Language is obviously a vital tool. Not only is it a means of communicating thoughts and ideas, but it forges friendships, cultural ties, and economic relationships. The citizens of Philippines deserve a quality of life that includes the nurturing and expressive aspects of the arts. The arts humanize community, and give us inspiration and opportunities to connect as people. The arts also hold great financial and economic benefit for this country, as a magnet for tourism and industry for our citizens. It behooves the city administration to create a supportive atmosphere for the arts, and to support cultural entrepreneurship, and artists’ ability to earn a decent living. In so doing, the city administration can not only enhance the life experiences available here, but also tap the revenue streams created by the arts and cultural economic impact.

article 14; (2); 1987 constitution

(2) The State shall encourage and support researches and studies on the arts and culture.
Conclusion: The Philippine culture and arts is a blend of diofferent cultures adopted from many backgrounds  from the western and eastern hemisphere. Philippine culture and arts is unique of the fact that it has elements of Indonesian, Malay, Chinese and spanish. Arts and Culture can be an active commercial industry on its own and it has already begun. The state must have a legal basis and funds to encourage and support researches to study arts and culture, because without it no researches can elaborate or widen their knowledge about it. The state shall encourage and let the people or the students to study more about arts and culture so that they will recognize, develop, protect and maintain the valuable of arts and culture. With the help of arts and culture, people use this also in everyday living. People shows that our arts and cultures can stay forever with us.

article 14; section 18; 1987 constitution

Section 18. (1) The State shall ensure equal access to cultural opportunities through the educational system, public or private cultural entities, scholarships, grants and other incentives, and community cultural centers, and other public venues.
Conclusion: Every state must have an equal knowledge about our culture, even the public or private cultural entities. The scholarships must be grant for the students who can’t study because of the financial problems. The incentives must be given to the employees, who needed it. If the state can really implement this section, our economy and also our status in life will be level up. All people will have a knowledge to understand our life cycles and culture.

article 14; section 17; 1987 constitution

Gawad Kalinga art session

Section 17. The State shall recognize, respect, and protect the rights of indigenous cultural communities to preserve and develop their cultures, traditions, and institutions. It shall consider these rights in the formulation of national plans and policies.
Conclusion: The national plans and policies in our country help us communicating better with the people, it shows respect and giving the protection of rights in every individual especially with the indigenous cultural in the community. Our traditions, cultures and institutions in our nation protects and develop the rights so that people have the freedom to do what they want. Rights of the people is important, without rights the sovereign Filipino people will suffer because their individual rights doesn't give valuable. With the help of the people who make the rights for the sake of the Filipino people having the results of good and better relationship. The indigenous Filipino in the community shall give better and equal rights, the state should formulate plans and policies so that we have better and clear institution.

article 14; section 16; 1987 constitution

Image Detail

Section 16. All the country's artistic and historic wealth constitutes the cultural treasure of the nation and shall be under the protection of the State which may regulate its disposition.
Conclusion:  With the enrichment of all cultural treasure of the nation, all country’s have different kinds of artistic creations in which under the protection of the state will regulate its disposition. Art can show the passage of time. During parts of history, writing was not used by certain civilizations because they did not know how to use it, such as the caveman. However, they were still able to communicate through means of art. They used art to show cravings and to represent things in life. This is why we understand so much about the past. We can see the thought process of these people and how they used their materials. By the protection of the state in which the arts and historical wealth of our country will be regulate to its good bent. The nation must be responsible for the for maintaining our arts and historical wealth in the country so that our wealth will not be exhausted.

article 14; 1987 constitution

Section 15. Arts and letters shall enjoy the patronage of the State. The State shall conserve, promote, and popularize the nation's historical and cultural heritage and resources, as well as artistic creations.
Conclusion: Arts and letters remain under the patronage of the state which must be concerned in the protection and enrichment of our culture. There are provisions designed to widen and popularize cultural and artistic creations and to provide cultural opportunities. By an act of supporting in which the state shall conserve, promote and popularize our cultural heritage and resources, in the help of arts, the popularity of our nation will maintain well. Our arts and letters shows that the Filipino people are excellent from the beginning of our cultures and traditions in the country. People are good in creating arts and in that, arts helps us in making our country in progress. We can also identify our maeesage without saying but by using arts.